Friday, August 17, 2012


When one juxtaposes the two North American political races going on right now pretty much simultaneously (well, as always the Canadian... er, Quebeckers really... went and emulated their neighbours south of the border, as they do in virtually every facet of life, truly - but that is another story) and when one analyses the debates and issues at stake, one sees just how hollow and hopeless it all truly is. I am not bleaker-than-bleak here just for the sake of it, folks: merely being my old realist self all over again here...! Besides, it is on Facebook that you can find such true "bleakism" as groups such as "No Hope For The Human Race" - now that is bleak pessimism at its worst! What I do here and on other "brother blogs" like this one here (the ludicrous... the ramblngs in writ... the lambasting blog.) is purely presenting things as they are - and exercising my God-given right to add my two cents-worth in...! (That's right, folks: God-given right, not constitution-given nor law-given! Earthly law didn't give me squat: it didn't give you squat ether! All it does is subjugate you, encase you, ground you to better grind you down... The All-Mighty God, now, He Has Given us liberty, true freedom, true Love, unconditional, and the truth of the matter is that He Has Given us everything else too! Our brains, our talents, our very life! Woe to those who will be found praising their precious constitution more than they praise their one and only God... But that is another story, too.)

Back to the political pipsqueaks now: in the U.S.of A. we see the same old tired game going on between the same two old parties: left, right, ying, yang, potatoe, potahto, Republicans, Democrats. Totemized by a pachyderm and a donkey, or Massachusetts Minute-Superman, Mitt Ro, and Hawaiian Punch Obama, Solid-As-Barack! These two, and every other would-be candidate for the presidency are as clownish as it can get - and, after this, Americans still want to be taken seriously by the world at large? After Bush? After Clinton? After Dubya?!? No way!!! They've been clownish way before pint-sized Texans with a lot of money to waste got into this dance - and they will continue to be so! We've said it before, on another site, and we'll say it again: Ronald McDonald for President!

In the forsaken Culbec (Québec, as it should be spelled - and pronounced - trust me on that one, too) there is an absence of contenu or so it would appear... And so, in the absence of true issues to discuss and the ramifications thereof to ponder, there are various annoying sidetracks that annoy mightily - and cost dearly as well... Just ask the P.M. that will never be P.-M. and she'll tell you all about that now - rrrrright, Pauline? Ahhhhh - pauvre, pauvre Pauline...! You gotta feel for her, yes you do - but that is another sordid story, too! Let's just stick to the facts here, for now: there are three parties in the race, really: the other two are petty little affairs (QS - like TQS - is doomed to fold one of these days. And the G.P is, well, just too damn green!) and the rest (like the Conservatives of Culbec or ''Option Nationale'' - WHAT ''option nationale'') barely exist in anyone's mind. The top three parties are the Liberals, who've had the power since 2003, the newly-created would-be dream-team opposition, complete with a ridiculous name: la CAQ! And then there is the good old Parti Québécois - ah, the parti Québécois, with its not-so-secret desire to secede the entire blameable province of Culbec from the rest of Canada. Pauline's wet dream is when she dreams of herself as the reigning Prime Minister of Culbec, achieving sovereignty and signing off a million waivers so that Canada allows for a gaping whole in its geographical situation...! And then she wakes up to the humdrum news of what inane declaration came out of the mouth of one of her ill-chosen foot soldiers - and realizes that the wet dream will never become a slippery reality, especially in the light of the subsequent cascade of inane declarations, each more asinine than the last...

You see, in a vain self-serving attempt to show that her party accepts one and all, Pauline welcomed a certain Algerian candidate within her ranks for the present election campaign... She was enthused to do so by the emergence of QS's Amir Khadir (Capitaine Solidaire himself! Told you that they emulate Americans there: he's the perfect answer to Captain America Romney - only in dirt-poor clothes and tanned. And revolted.) and also reminded to push that envelope since it cost the party dearly in their last attempt at winning one of them pesky Referendum things...! So a multi-cultural line-up of candidates was set as the way to go in order to attract (read: lure and snare) all potential voters, because, in this election especially, where every and any damn candidate is as crappy and corrupted as the next one is, every vote will count indeed! And so in came Djemila Benhabib, quote unquote ''probably as good an example as any of an immigrant who fully integrated Culbecois society'' - okay, we paraphrased! Sure, she integrated their society - she even infiltrated her party! But who cares about that, really...

In the absence of a truly pressing political debate there, or in sheer ignorance and having nothing else to declare, Djemila declared that the sight of the Crucifix adorning the wall of a place she has little business being at: the ill-named, for completely absurd ''Assemblée Nationale''  (Ha! How can it be called a NATIONAL assembly, when it houses elected officials of a PROVINCE, not a nation one iota! It is a misnomer given to a province that prides itself in being viewed as ''different'' and ''special'' when it really is nothing more than a pesky problematic province at best...! But... we are digressing.)

She pushed it so far as to suggest that it needs to be removed, for the sake of all those newly-arrived citizens of Culbec that have noting to do with Christ...!

This ''suggestion'' got avowed Christian (Catholic too) Jean Tremblay in a fury and he snapped as he usually does, commenting that it wouldn't be an Algerian with an unpronounceable name, recently arrived to boot, that would dictate what adorns the walls of local governments and what does not!
J.T. is the famous mayor of Saguenay for one reason and one reason only: he has gotten similar types of complaints from all comers as he likes to begin each and every session of public debates with a prayer - a prayer to the one true God, of course, through the intercession of His Only Son, Jesus-Christ, of course. You can imagine that Crucifixes are involved there, too...!  We've talked about this colourful individual before, on another blog...

Pauline - pôvrrrrrre Pauline - jeopardized every last chance she realistically had of winning this election by coming to the defence of her beleaguered candidate who unwittingly opened quite the can of worms here: and, in doing so, Pauline only displayed how out of touch she really is with the population of Culbec overall...! Pauline claimed that Tremblay's position did not reflect the stand of most Culbecois on this matter and that it was unacceptable and irresponsible for him to have dared spoken out, in defence of the Holy Cross, imagine that...! Pauline is out of touch with the populace about their true desire for independence and secession from the rest of Canada - and, now, she proved that she can't even tell that the majority want a Crucifix in the infamous ''Salon Bleu'' of the asinine Assemblée (nationale ou pas!) because it has always been there and most Culbecois have this typical American approach to things, too: ''if it ain't broken, don't fix it!''  Most of them BELIEVE, deep, way deep down in their hearts... Most of them value religion far more than they do politics, too!  Not to mention that we are talking about an aging population here: one that clings on to old traditions! Most of the old ''Culbecois Pure Laine'' does, at any rate! Sure, many of the young ones are clueless atheist, inane agnostics at best - and all of the new arrivals (they call them ''les importés'' or ''des émigrés'' with marked disdain) are, usually, from other cultures and therefore other religious backgrounds - but they are still only about as numerous as the fervently pious locals!  Thus, saying that an anti-secularisation of the governing institutions stance does not represent the Culbecois equals one foot firmly in the mouth for Pauvre Pauline here - for which she can thank her dear Djemila there!  Many dismiss all this controversy as nothing much at all - the same people will say that the separation of Church and State has occurred years ago already, and so it should be. We differ from this opinion, of course, because we know that everything is related and, no matter how we try to separate and subdivide, ultimately, it is all for naught; because in truth and fact everything remains connected!  Separation is never the solution; it can only be a phase sometimes gone through, leading to another understanding and better (perhaps more comfortable - hopefully far more symbiotic) coexisting...

Observers decry that real issues of this silly campaign are taking a backseat to this - which is, at mere surface understanding (the level of most Culbecois - importés ou non) ultimately no more than a disagreement over mere decorative details...  The truth is that, aside from corruption issues and revolting students demanding free education (they won't get it) - what is there to discuss, really? There is a blatant absence of important issues to urgently discuss because the entire blamed Canada has been spared a great deal of strife! Culbec, particularly, doesn't know what it is to tighten one's belt, to make sacrifices, to struggle, to suffer, to hurt... bad!  And so it will go off in a lengthy lamentation about anything or next-to-nothing.

Only in Culbec do such things happen, really! A province so idiotic they haven't a clue what they really wanna do with their 'nation' that isn't a nation in the first place...! A province so unnecessarily complicated, convoluted, completely recoiled upon itself... A province not even at ease with itself: how else can anyone explain their abhorrence towards seeing themselves represented as they really are, speak, go about day-to-day living their little lives (La Petite Vie, anyone? No - that was a hit; a sitcom and everyone, no matter what creed it is, usually likes some self-depricating humor. There are exceptions to that too, though... But it is yet another story - yup. They just don't ike serious, realistic depictions of themselves: to them, it is like a funhouse mirror, without any fun. Case closed.)
The funniest of all about this saddest of aspects of the ''Culbecois'' is that they are genuinely disinterested about their own roots, heritage, legacy or lack thereof...! As evidence of this, it suffices to present to you their very own governmental source of information about their own Prime Ministers throughout history which is not as thorough as Wikipedia can be...! Isn't that pathetic! So what, they wanted to focus on a ''century of history'' only - a century of ineptitude, yeah! All they had to do was add a mere dozen or so extra names to that list to make utterly complete: instead, they deliberately chose to stick to a 1900-onward focus that makes them begin the list with the unluckiest number there is (apparently - just ask Americans...) - number 11! The very first of four P.-M.s to have died in office... Why not start at the very beginning, as ''unillustrious'' as it might have been...? It's not like they have had a lot of Prime Ministers either: remember that, just like the mighty U.S. of A. they are nothing but a pipsqueak of a country, a tadpole in the world's political oceans, with not-much-of-a-proper identity and all of the signs of a dejected colony still...

The problems of these two huge places that, at face-value, constitute two of the best places to live in the whole wide world today and have been called anything and everything, from the ''land(s) of opportunity'' to ''as portas do Céu abertas por nôs!'' - well, the problems are many and as diverse as... their respective populations are. One is admitted as no more, no less than a melting pot; the other is labeled a mosaic - both suck about equally! For such a collection of individuals, coexisting for the simple fact that money is there to be had (more easily, at any rate, than in all of their native lands combined) - well, sorry, but it cannot produce one cohesive nation, ever. Never in a million years. All it is, in truth, is but a collection of mercenaries that are willing to cohabitate, for gain and profit, but it cannot be forgotten that, in the past, all such assemblages were viewed as and tolerated to be short-lived and, once the exercise has been declared gainful for all parties involved, the parting of the ways occurs - and it is often in violent ways.

What if the present conditions subsist for another decade, two, four, eight hundred years? There will come a day when one of these troublesome creeds (for one is always more troublesome than the others) will become greater in numbers - perhaps it will become the new majority? What will it be tempted to do, then, when it has attained that level?  The American constitution and Bill of Rights (who is this Bill of Rights? I wanna meet him! Is he and former WCW-wwe wrestler Bill Goldberg ONE AND THE SAME...? Don't answer that - can't you see that I merely jest, at this point?) make it so that even a minority can stir up the pot - and we just saw what the emulators north of their border are doing, too, in the same vein: stirring up some stink where they have no business even commenting about anything...! Where is everything going, then, when those minorities gain the upper hand...?!?

Some have been of the opinion that multi-culturalism is doomed to fail - call it the Tower of Babel syndrome! (Biblical reference - and parallel drawn - sue me, okay?) We recently (yeah - verrrrrry rrrecently!) saw this argument being made yet again, on YouTube this time, on the comments section of a video promoting Charlie Sheen's lame-o new sitcom on FX, Anger Management, of all places...!

You live in England. Even John Cleese doesn't recognize his own country anymore. Merkel recently said that multiculturalism has utterly failed. You are living in denial. Some of Americans have seen the light, such as myself, that Diversity is not a strength, but is the greatest existential threat there is. The white race and culture is dying, and you are okay with that.
Watch: /watch?v=P-Es-539aj0&list=PL28


Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Only in politics...

Only in CULBEC!

Well, well, well - here is what happened when all the voting ballots were finally counted (better demand a recount right now!) - the votes split.
And the craziest things can happen when the votes split, really...

Crazy things like Pauline's party benefited from the the wave of discontent towards the Liberal Party and lack of trust in newbie party CAQ to weasel itself into the pole position and run away with it - with a measly 0.73% edge overall in the voting preferences...

Only in politics can this be declared a winner - only in CULBEC is there not a second round of voting to REALLY decide this, with a satisfying margin of ''decisive voting''...

At least Djemila there did NOT pass - she was soundly defeated in the electoral county she was trying to weasel her way onto victory herself...

But since her leader got the big win, she's sure to have a job now on the National Ass (also known as l'Assemblée Nationale - sure.)

NO - we are not inferring that she and Pauline are like many ''assistants'' and Hilary Clinton down south...

That's another story.

Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Pauline got the scare of her political life when she was pronouncing her victory speech at the Métropolis, some sleazy cheap concert venue down in Montréal...

She had barely started her speech when gun shots were heard - and she dumbly was seen uttering silly questions such as ''what - what is happening'' as her bodyguard squad (that really, REALLY did not expect to actually have to WORK at all on that evening - or at any other time, in truth!) pushed her off the stage she had strained so hard to reach...!

But, no, Pauline - what she had hoped were no more than firecrackers used by an overjoyed crazy who's just voted for her (and doing so is like voting for ruin and self-destruction, on top of the trademark self-loathing that marks the Culbécois wherever he may be - but that's another story) was not that, at all.

Those had truly been two gun shots back there, Pauline!

And the next one had, presumably, her name on the bullet...

We will never know, perhaps, the true intentions of that nutcase, some anglo who shot two guys dead (one of the victims is actually still alive, at blogging time - only listed in critical condition, that is all...) and came through a backdoor entrance to the Métropolis, shouting profanities and cryptic things such as ''the anglos are awakened - and payback is going to be hell'' (okay, I merely paraphrase here.)

Bravo on being the first woman elected as Prime Minister in this part of North America, Pauline - now don't be the first elected female Prime Minister to be shot dead, too!

Pauvre, pôôôôôôôôôôôôôôvre Pauline...!

So would Sol say...