Thursday, April 28, 2011

Predictions, Shmehdictions!

It is unadvised for the common mortal to dare and try to predict anything - about anything.

And yet - such is the habit of all of us pundits and bandits - of the number I am, hence, I lump myself in there!

The most common forms of predictions are, of course, made in the wide, wild world of sports - a world that is, among many other things, highly unpredictable...  But that doesn't discourage lunatics and other would-be prophets from making predictions - so there goes...

As round two of the 2011 STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS begins, one sees synchronicity in the numbers as, for each conference (the poorly-named subdivision within the league, splitting east from west basically, or attempting to) it is the 1st team matching up with the 5th - and the 3rd with 2nd...!  Here:

No. 1 Washington vs. No. 5 Tampa Bay
No. 2 Philadelphia vs. No. 3 Boston
No. 1 Vancouver vs. No. 5 Predators
No. 2 San Jose vs. No. 3 Detroit

Fascinating, is it not?  How did they achieve such perfect synchronism between conferences?  Well, through sheer coincidence and since this may be the last playoffs before the end of the world or something - well, it means squat, really.

Just cute synchronism, that's all.

According to the Mayan calendar, we still have the 2012 playoffs, for sure, so...
We can expect more of that "synchronicity" again - at least once again, that is!

Beyond that, though - don't drop the puck too fast, is all I will be saying from now on! But we are rapidly digressing once more here... (Must be the lunacy factor creeping up on us all around here, eh? Don't answer that.)

(I do wonder, though, if the Mayans played hockey too...? 
Hmm... Probably not.  LOL
But let's carry on now...)

Think I'm stretching it too much, once again - leaning too much towards absurdism by linking Mayans and the NHL?


Did you look at the picture here?  Did you really look at it?  Here - look at it again:

Has anything quite as fantasy-oriented ever been whipped up in photoshop for any sport at all? I mean - the damn cup looks like the Holy Grail indeed! That is simply too much.

Winning or, rather, outlasting every other opponent and then standing tall is great - but then, one will quick find it alone at the top. Sort of like post-coital depression - but adapted to the world of competition, which can be sports-related but not necessarily exclusively sports-related, you see... After all they say that baseball is an allegory for life - so can be a whole lot of other things...

Add to all that the knowledge that NOTHING IS FOREVER: after not a year but a mere few months, all of it has to be, again, PUT ON THE LINE...

Ask the Chicago Blackhawks about it...

But I may be digressing now...

You wanted predictions? Here are predictions: 8 teams remain - four will win, four will lose - and it may not be the most meritorious ones that win... The following round it's the same thing, only we start with four. Down to two. And then, there shall be one.

One very tired bunch, yeah!
Tired, bruised... and, perhaps, not all that amused?

Just don't buy into all that the so-called experts say right now - hey, some of them were picking the Ducks, Sabres, Rangers, Penguins, Coyotes, Canadiens or Kings to win!!!


No one can predict the future - only God Can.


Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

And, of course, this was THE YEAR OF THE BRUINS!

After beating Montreal, there was no doubt to be had, really!

None of the other teams remaining in contention there EVER HAD A CHANCE... !!!

Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Vancouver was so darn sure that this was *their time* though...


Crazy Canucks!

Worse than lunatics...!!!