Saturday, July 28, 2018

Tweets Not To Be

In the seldom explored category of ''tweets or memes one has thought of sharing but then, thinking it through, decided against the idea'' (and if you are or ever were one of the few, proud -really proud; as in super guilty of pride alright!- elite followers of *my twitter* you know that to think it through is all that I ever suggest that you do!) --- here are some of those tweets or memes you never saw on there...

(OK ~ not really a meme; just a misguided ad!) 

Ugh... this looks like Videotron... 
We hate Videotron. 

Dirty Minds R Us - there's a club like that, out there ~ 
there must be! 

It's either the kinky stuff - or quick cash. 
Usually one of those two are at the core 
of any such "messages"...  which makes us think 
of the latest survival trend/type of tweets 
being seen lately on Twitter: 
hashtag #TorontoStrong 

...not that the lure of making easy money 
isn't always there; because it is! 
And they'll tweet about that too - 
in spite of other, shall we say, graver concerns 
in the greater T.O. area: 

But really now... 
Forget about getting the right answer 
when you hop on CA$H CAB in Toronto; 
go for a strike, instead - 
and duck that stray bullet zooming by! 

... it's not like it's flying ammo every single night there, 
granted - and besides, it could be a kamikaze car instead; 
and, then, you truly are actually safe in the Ca$h Cab, 
not being a pedestrian - the poor prime target pedestrian... 
(not Stung, "Stong" or "Srtong" - ya twits.)

(...and much less the idiot who tweeted "TorontoStronger" 
during a playoff series that Toronto lost to Boston - again. 
But let's not give it any more airtime...) 

OH, AND...
What's all the fuss about breaking the internet: 

Keep on trying, 

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